The Big Picure: Your Study. Your Vision. Your Plan for the City of Huntsville

Growth Issues

Madison Square Entrance

Development and Redevelopment

Over the last six decades, Huntsville grew extraordinarily fast, and that’s presenting both opportunities and challenges as our community plans for the future. Read More...

The Transportation Network

Huntsville’s extensive road network continues to serve the region very well, but as development patterns, demographics, and funding mechanisms change, the region’s transportation network will face new challenges. Read More...

Dilapidated Housing

Neighborhood Reinvestment

A consistent concern among community members has been how to deal with disinvestment in neighborhoods, particularly in older parts of the city. Read More...

Cummings Landmark Rendering

Economy and Workforce

Ensuring a range of industries and the people to support them is key to maintaining and advancing Huntsville’s economic vitality. Read More...

St. Paul and the Broken Bones Perform At Lowe Mill

Quality of Life

Parks, greenways, good schools, a robust arts culture, an established craft brewing industry, and a growing culinary movement – all of these contribute to the high quality of life enjoyed in Huntsville. Read More...

Last modified: April 20th, 2018 at 8:27 am