Support Local Arts and Culture
Support our own distinct character, including a rich maker heritage, a thriving arts scene, a reputation as an outdoor recreation hub, and unique neighborhoods that contribute to an unprecedented quality of life.
Create. Continue support for organizations like Arts Huntsville and Lowe Mill, and assist with the implementation of the Public Arts Master Plan. Develop areas within the community for residents to see and engage local art.
Make. Reinforce the idea of Huntsville as a haven for the maker movement by supporting startups and identifying areas where creative endeavors can interact and grow.
Recreate. Take advantage of the natural beauty of North Alabama to brand Huntsville as a recreation destination. Implement the build-out of greenways, parks, athletic fields, river landings, mountain biking trails and more…
Remember. Preserve and highlight Huntsville’s deep and unique history. Appreciate that adaptive re-use, similar to what has been done at Lowe and Lincoln Mills, is crucial to creating unique and vibrant places.
Last modified: August 22nd, 2018 at 9:45 pm