The Big Picure: Your Study. Your Vision. Your Plan for the City of Huntsville


  • The City of Huntsville has implemented pilot BRT corridor by 2023.
  • The City of Huntsville has a functional Downtown circulator by 2021.
  • Additional BRT corridors are included in capital planning.
  • The City of Huntsville has partnerships with local manufacturers to provide and test new transit technology on city routes.
  • The City of Huntsville, the Huntsville-Area MPO, the State of Alabama, and any applicable regional organizations have developed a financially-viable city-to-city passenger rail plan.


An important aspect of any high-functioning transportation network is ‘modal variety’: options for how citizens get around town.  This might be on foot, by bike, car or transit.  Providing many different means of transportation helps get the most out of the built infrastructure, and ensures effectiveness as a community grows.


Transit represents an opportunity for the Huntsville region.  The combination of projected growth, changes in demographics, and a shift in focus toward redevelopment in core areas can make expanded transit more feasible.  Technology might assist in the implementation as well, making transit access more convenient.


In planning for transit, it will be important to differentiate between metro and statewide.  The former might take any range of forms, including Bus-Rapid Transit (BRT) or autonomous shuttles, and is more achievable in the short term.  The latter is almost certain to be rail service, but will require extensive coordination with the State and will be a longer-term prospect.  Despite that fact, it is imperative that the Huntsville region stay engaged and take a leadership role as talks for city-to-city and regional passenger rail connections are conducted.


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    As roadways are improved or constructed, ensure that necessary right-of-way is acquired to accommodate future transit along designated routes.  Ensure that the design of appropriate roads can accommodate transit when implemented.  Refer to the Complete Streets guidelines for more information.

  • This action has been completed.

    Apply for FTA grants to support the development of BRT corridors and service.

  • This action has been completed.

    Coordinate transit planning with land use to ensure compatible redevelopment along targeted corridors.

  • This action has been completed.

    Whenever possible, coordinate via the MPO with other jurisdictions to develop regional transit service.

Last modified: July 27th, 2022 at 4:01 pm