The Big Picure: Your Study. Your Vision. Your Plan for the City of Huntsville


  • Notable and impactful public art installations exist throughout the city.
  • Public art is a nationally-recognized element of the Huntsville “brand”.
  • Local artists participate heavily in the creation of public art for the City and its partners.


Public art is an oft-underappreciated facet of community.  In cities where a robust and well-supported public art program exists, it has a notable positive effect not only on the quality of life, but on economic development.  The expression of local character through public art communicates to residents and visitors that they’re in a creative and engaged community, one worthy of investment and reinvestment. 


  • This action has not been completed.

    Adopt and support Arts Huntsville’s existing “Public Art Master Plan”.

  • This action has not been completed.

    Partner with Arts Huntsville to develop a process for the creation of ad hoc committees for the project-based implementation of public art works.

  • This action has not been completed.

    Conduct an independent study to analyze impact of the arts on the local economy and development.

Last modified: November 1st, 2018 at 3:06 pm