The Big Picure: Your Study. Your Vision. Your Plan for the City of Huntsville

Huntsville International Airport

The Huntsville International Airport (HSV) is a key economic driver for the North Alabama region, both in terms of passenger service and freight operations.  Due to circumstances beyond local control, however, it loses some passenger traffic to nearby, larger hubs like Nashville, Birmingham and even Atlanta.


  • Huntsville International Airport as the ‘choice’ airport for regional patrons.
  • Huntsville International Airport is accessible via multiple transportation options that connect it to the surrounding metro.


To assist the Airport, planning efforts can focus on making the airport as convenient as possible to local/regional users. The City can also encourage surrounding development that supports and facilitates the airport as a destination of choice.

The Port of Huntsville, which includes the airport, the intermodal center and the Jetplex Industrial Park, is currently conducting a master plan update. At the same time, the Federal Government is performing a Joint Land Use Study around Redstone Arsenal. Each of these efforts will have policy implications for how the City connects to, and develops around, the airport and its related facilities.

Last modified: December 13th, 2018 at 9:16 pm


  • This action has not been completed.

    Conduct annual development reviews with the leadership of HSV to ensure new growth is consistent with airport planning.

  • This action has not been completed.

    When implementing alternative forms of transit, or implementing other transportation options – like rideshare services – meet with HSV to review connection opportunities to the airport.