The Big Picure: Your Study. Your Vision. Your Plan for the City of Huntsville

Downtown Connectivity Action Plan

Developed as part of the BIG Picture initiative, Huntsville’s Downtown Master Plan proposes a multiyear development strategy designed to provide a mix of residential, retail, office and entertainment uses. With such development comes an increasing need for a functional multimodal network of roadways, transit, bikeways and pedestrian facilities to provide adequate transportation choices. Therefore, the City initiated a complementary downtown mobility study, the Downtown Connectivity Action Plan, to address this need.


  • Create a navigable, safe, accessible, and vibrant downtown
  • Create a connected multimodal transportation network that provides mobility choice, improves the pedestrian and bicyclist experience and contributes to the economic well-being of the community
  • Anticipate changes in transportation demand and incorporate context-sensitive improvements that enhance mobility for all users, including bicyclists, pedestrians and mass transit users


As several downtown development projects move forward, it is the City’s desire that the implementation of connectivity and mobility improvements keep the pace. The Downtown Connectivity Action Plan is intended to address this need through a multimodal lens designed to create an accessible downtown from points just outside the core. Therefore, it focuses on improving the bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure at major gateways and includes concept designs for intersection improvements at several key entry points.

Downtown Active Transportation Connectivity Action Plan

Last modified: August 8th, 2023 at 7:26 pm


  • This action has not been completed.

    Build on the success of the downtown plan and resulting development to identify current and future challenges to downtown mobility and connectivity

  • This action has not been completed.

    Build consensus around mobility needs and implementation strategies

  • This action has not been completed.

    Identify a set of investments to create better multimodal facilities entering/exiting and throughout downtown Huntsville (e.g., pedestrian and ADA improvements, low-stress bikeways and transit optimization projects) while enhancing the vitality of downtown